CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Test Vouchers

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CompTIA PenTest+ is the only penetration testing exam taken at a Pearson VUE testing center with both hands-on, performance-based questions and multiple-choice, to ensure each candidate possesses the skills, knowledge, and ability to perform tasks on systems. PenTest+ exam also includes management skills used to plan, scope, and manage weaknesses, not just exploit them.

PenTest+ is unique because our certification requires a candidate to demonstrate the hands-on ability and knowledge to test devices in new environments such as the cloud and mobile, in addition to traditional desktops and servers.

IT Careers that Require or Benefit from the CompTIA PenTest+ Certification

  • Penetration Tester
  • Vulnerability Tester
  • Security Analyst (II)
  • Vulnerability Assessment Analyst
  • Network Security Operations
  • Application Security Vulnerability
About the exam

Exam PT0-001 is necessary to be certified.

CompTIA PenTest+ assesses the most up-to-date penetration testing, and vulnerability assessment and management skills necessary to determine the resiliency of the network against attacks.

Successful candidates will have the intermediate skills required to customize assessment frameworks to effectively collaborate on and report findings.

Candidates will also have the best practices to communicate recommended strategies to improve the overall state of IT security.

CompTIA Certification Pathway

CompTIA PenTest+ joins CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) at the intermediate-skills level of the cybersecurity career pathway as shown below. Depending on your course of study, PenTest+ and CySA+ can be taken in any order but typically follows the skills learned in Security+. While CySA+ focuses on defense through incident detection and response, PenTest+ focuses on offense through penetration testing and vulnerability assessment.

Although the two exams teach opposing skills, they are dependent on one another. The most qualified cybersecurity professionals have both offensive and defensive skills. Earn the PenTest+ certification to grow your career within the CompTIA recommended cybersecurity career pathway.

CompTIA PenTest+ Voucher & Kaplan IT Practice Test